View How To Go Back To Natural Hair Color After Bleaching US. A step by step guide to going back natural, plus my experience after years of highlights including how long it took, the growth products i used, & more. The exact rate at which your hair grows varies from person to person, but it's.
After knowing this next step is to remove the artificial color of hair. It also breaks down fatty acids on the hair bleaching severely dries out your hair, so don't strip any more natural oils away by shampooing. How to easily get your natural hair color back.
What dye are you going for after the bleaching process?
How i salvaged my bleached hair after a disaster at the salon: How can i go back to my natural hair colour best foto natural hair. Bleaching dark hair will require the strongest combo on the market, and this is it. Have you been dyeing your hair blonde for so long that you're not sure what your natural color is anymore?