Get Natural Flavors Beaver US. Beavers, she says, flavor a ton of foods at the grocery store with their little butthole. while hari is correct that castoreum is classified as a natural flavor, she's wrong about basically everything else. They can just say natural flavoring. but the chances castoreum is in your food are slim to none.
Castoreum is a substance found in the castor sacs of both male and female beavers. Beavers, she says, flavor a ton of foods at the grocery store with their little butthole. while hari is correct that castoreum is classified as a natural flavor, she's wrong about basically everything else. Probably because it sounds more appetizing than flavor extracted from a beaver's ass.
The fda regards castoreum as natural flavoring..
It can simply be listed as natural flavoring. The only question is, why exactly does a glandular extract harvested from the backside of a beaver taste like raspberries and vanilla cream? The term natural flavor or natural flavoring means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or when the phrase 'natural flavors' appears on a package, the best move is to call the company and find out. The term natural flavor or natural flavoring means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein castoreum is a product of the trapping industry.