Get D Aeolian Natural Minor Scale Ascending UK. The natural minor scale, identical to the aeolian mode, is a diatonic scale made up of seven notes (eight if you include the octave). The natural minor scale, also known as the aeolian mode is one of the most used guitar scales in rock and popular music.
When practicing these positions, in addition to practicing the scales ascending and descending, i also like to practice sequences of the scales as well. Start studying aeolian/natural minor scales. The minor scale is based off the aeolian mode and consist of major, minor and perfect scale intervals.
Some people want to differentiate between mode and key.
Also referred to as the aeolian mode, it contains the same intervals as the the minor pentatonic scale is identical to the natural minor scale save for the removal of scale degrees 2 and 6. Scales you can use in the real world, created by a human guitarist. Free guitar scale charts and fingering diagrams. The natural minor scale (also known as aeolian mode) is derived from the major scale.